Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why today?


Mood: Dejected
Colour: Dark, Darker, Darkest Grey
Song: Freebird (Lynard Skynard)

Why not today?
It had to be some god-forsaken-day anyway.
As it is, it was just another Senseless Sunday.
Another day to drill in the realization that there are possibly more ways to while away time than actually make it count.
Sometimes I really wonder why there ever was a Sunday in the first place? Was it another one of those incomprehensible trivialities which could be comfortably blamed on the "Usual Suspects" - God, Communists, Hitler and more recently, Osama bin Laden or to be politically correct, George Bush.
Or is it really a curse bequeathed to us by our all-pervading ancestors, to remind us of the very pointlessness of life itself? An ostensibly senseless apparition that becomes visible every seven days and chillingly shows us the utterly precarious fallout of having absolutely nothing to do. I astutely believe that Sunday is by far the most over-hyped, under-utilized, ennui-inducing, lethargy-extending, life-debilitating and paranoia-prolonging day of the week.
I guess that's exactly why I chose to do it today.
Long live my Blog.

Mood: Cynical
Colour: It’s absolutely Black now
Song: Rooster (Alice in Chains)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think u forgot 2 add this link ;)
Good attempt neway. Keep going dude.

December 04, 2005 2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mood is definitely black. the music playing in the room and in your head is black. But you talk as though you had no lights on anywhere in the world. Like it's the one at the end of the tunnel that we "die" for, every one of our living days. wonder how many days you must endure my friend... maybe it's better if we live for each other than ourselves. maybe then we can seem a little less selfish, to ourselves, coz in the end, that's all that matters, to ourselves, in our own selfish way to end it in the world. we all want to be content sometime... and in the end. imperfect present paving the way for a perfect future. I have my doubts.

December 04, 2005 4:45 PM  
Blogger Dea said...

That's write very well. Just have to say this, though - in our University, we have full day classes on I guess our Founders felt like you do...much to the detriment of the me, it's not fun working on Sunday; especially when you grow up with 'Sunday' meaning an all and out 'family day.' But great work, really.

January 12, 2006 2:43 AM  

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