Thursday, August 24, 2006

Opportunity's Bridesmaid


Mood: Generous
Colour: Squeakish Orange
Song: You're So Vain (Carly Simon)

She wasn’t great. Or exceptional. Or even spellbinding.
Neither could she be classified as way above average.
Or anywhere near that either.
She was just about readable or mediocre, depending on whether you are in a generous mood or not.

She writes.
As phenomenally, perhaps, as the guy/girl sitting next to you in a half decent course in a somewhat decent college.
On a literary scale, it would barely register a hit.
She has never ever written up a storm. Nor have her writings brought about a revolution in Tahiti.
But for all she is worth, she is more famous than a million other people out there.

She was opportunity’s bridesmaid.
With destiny her cradle and fame her silver spoon.

Mood: Still Generous
Colour: Bright Orange
Song: Bang, Bang, My Baby Shot Me Down (Nancy Sinatra)